mission statement (second edition) In these last 10 years, Anthroposophy has almost stagnated, with old and ineffective forms of “marketing” being used by seemingly everyone involved. This has also lead to many people not having the correct spaces to discuss Anthroposophy and the work of Rudolf Steiner, alongside wild and unsubstantiated claims spreading like wildfire, claims of racism and pseudoscience, to name a few. The Rosefolk is a project in pursuit of these five goals;   Present Anthroposophy to those interested, specifically the youth and those interested in spiritual ideas but simply have never came across it before. It will

This question is a very, very big one. Steiner wrote many, many books and gave many, many lectures trying to explain a comprehensive and spiritual-scientific worldview. Obviously to explain it and the methods used to get to the conclusions would be a massive task, and to attempt that would be a whole series of articles in itself, we also understand that lots of Steiner’s work is rendered inaccessible due to wording, formatting, et cetera. So everything considered, (this is a very simplified thing, every single sentence and concept mentioned has hours and hours of content behind it and obviously cannot